Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to Turn Fear into Action [PODCAST] - Classy Career Girl

How to Turn Fear into Action [PODCAST] Has fear ever held you back? Made you afraid to take one step further? Today I am going to share my story of how I got over my fears and how you can too. How to Turn Fear into Action Subscribe  on  your favorite platform below: iTunes Google Play Music Stitcher Radio TuneIn iHeartRadio Sound Cloud #AskAnna Question from  Julie: How can you turn fear into action? Annas answer: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself To Overcome Fear To get over these fears, the very first thing I always do is to let it go and stop TRYING to be in control. Then, I ask myself these three questions. What is the worst thing that can happen if I go after my goals? What is the best thing that can happen if I go after my goals? Is it worth it to go all in? So what is the worst that can happen if you go after your career goal? And then what is the best that can happen if you make the time in your day to control your calendar and really make it happen? References: 3 Questions to Ask Yourself To Overcome Fear How To Squash Your Career Fears (VIDEO) The Antidote to Fear and Time Challenges For Career Transitions What I Learned From Getting Over My Fears You may also like these episodes: 3 Fundamental Myths About Balancing Work and Life The 3 Phases of Your Career and How to Succeed In Each Phase Thanks for listening to the Classy Career Girl podcast! If you enjoyed this episode, please leave us a review on iTunes. Thank you!

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