Saturday, December 28, 2019

I havent used LinkedIn I dont know where to begin.

I havent used LinkedIn I dont know where to begin.I havent used LinkedIn I dont know where to begin.I have not used LinkedIn before, and I dont really know where to begin.You may not be using LinkedIn the reality is in 2017 too many candidates have zero or little presence on LinkedIn.Perhaps you signed up a long time ago because someone in your personal or professional life sent you an automated email asking you to join. So you joined, but then didnt really use it, didnt know how to use it, didnt care about it, or just didnt pay attention to it.But 97% of recruiters are using the platform. So, now is the time to pay attention, ESPECIALLY if you want your job search to not take months on end, but come to a swift, satisfying conclusion Side notenzeichen just in case you think youre good using old-school platforms like Monster and CareerBuilder, nope 89% of recruiters have hired someone through LinkedIn, and 64% of recruiters ONLY use LinkedIn.Whats important is to make sure your Lin kedIn profile is doing the job its supposed to do. You cant just slap something together and act like, if you build it they will come.Your LI profile has a very specific job to bring the employers and recruiters to youThere are a few things candidates are doing on LinkedIn that just plain old dont workYouve slapped a bare bones, skeleton profile up on LinkedIn.Just today I was in private consultation with a candidate who had done this. When I asked him why there was no information except his employers and dates, he replied that hes, a private individual.Private? OK. But listen do you want to land the job you love? Then youre going to have to release your need to keep everything private.LinkedIn is social media, but its professional. Theres really no scenario in which a potential employer will look your profile, scroll through your feed, and find inappropriate pictures. LinkedIn is simply not that type of social media playgroundAnd as far as wanting to stay private from your current employer, there are some very simple things you can do to accomplish that so the employer or people who work there wont see you, but you can still have a profile that prospective new employers can search for and find.Heres the next thing thats wrong with your LinkedIn profileThe KeywordsI talk about keywords a lot, and I dont want them to be the bane of your existence. Rather, I want keywords to be the building blocks you use to put yourself out there correctly, so the prospective employer immediately knows who you are, what you do, and the value you bring.The problem with the way youre using keywords is youre using all the wrong ones. What happens is you take the terms from the ad you think are keywords Motivated Passionate Results-orientedSpreading words like these all over your LinkedIn profile is a huge mistake. I 1,001% guarantee you there is not a recruiter on this green earth whos typing those words into LinkedIn to look for a candidate for the job hes trying to fill. Nope. Those are not search terms.The recruiter is searching for candidates who say, demonstrate, and prove they can actually do a very specific job. And those fake, false, phony, imitation keywords above are the furthest thing from specific that you can get.Heres what you need to be doing insteadFlesh out your LI profile and actually say who you are, what you do, and the value you bring Use the keywords that have to do with actually DOING the specific job. no one is interested in any flowery adjectives you decide to label yourself with.Take this small action right now look at your profile, and count the number of times you have anything like, motivated, passionate, driven, team-oriented, results-focused, dynamic, team player, go-getter, think outside the box, get the job done, go-to person, hard worker, or self-motivated.These are not keywords. They are killer words. They are killing your LinkedIn profile. If your LinkedIn profileis just not working for you, come see exactly how to chang e that. Im mapping it all out for you in a free online master class, 5 Secrets Smart Jobseekers Age 50+ Know That Make The Job Search EASY

Monday, December 23, 2019

Continue An Education in the Fine Arts

Continue An Education in the Fine ArtsContinue An Education in the Fine ArtsContinue An Education in the Fine ArtsShould You Continue Your Studies?Courtesy tiverton.ri.govChoosing to continue your studies within a form of the fine arts after high school graduation is both risky and expensive. Career coaching can help you with the answers about how to find a job in this sphere. However, if done correctly, it can pay off in the form of success and self-fulfillment. The most important thing is that you can tell the difference between a hobby and a possible career. Once youre able to objectively make that choice, you can move forward and determine what direction to travel in next.Subjects may include painting, sculpting, dancing, singing, acting, directing, and numerous other majors offered at colleges across the country.Below are a series of questions that you should ask yourself before looking at (or applying to) any college in particular. Do I love what I do enough to do it every sing le day for the rest of my life? If the answer is yes, consider majoring in the fine arts. Will my imagination and creativity feel forced if my hobby becomes a full-time career? If the answer is yes, reconsider majoring in the fine arts. You might be better off enjoying your talent as a hobby, rather than something you have to do in order to put food on the table. Do I honestly believe that my talents warrant enough interest to become successful? If the answer is yes, consider majoring in the fine arts. But you must be realistic. This is vital. You need to know, in your heart, that you have what it takes and that you stand out from the competition. Otherwise, youre wasting your time. Do I have any form of a backup plan? If the answer is yes, consider majoring in the fine arts. As long as you have a well thought-out plan, youll be able to survive the worst case scenario. Would I enjoy working in the career of my backup plan, while making a hobby of my dancing/acting/singing/etc.? If t he answer is yes, seriously consider doing exactly that making a career out of your backup plan while choosing a minor in the field of your hobby. You can still break through the ice during your free time, without necessarily having to do it for a living.After working your way through these questions, if you still want to study the fine arts as a career, you should keep the following advice in mind. Attend a university that is located near a large city, where you can book gigs and find jobs while youre in school. If you plan on doing this for a living, you need to start getting your name out there as soon as possible. Some careers, such as mathematicians or engineers, can afford to wait until after school. You cant. Attend a university that has notable financial aid for a majority of their students. You need to avoid taking out as many loans as possible, because youll find that they are very difficult to pay back on the salary that youll likely be starting out with. Prepare yourself for that reality. Its better to go to a more affordable university (and maybe transfer after your second year) than to spend $50,000-$60,000 a year on a prestigious school that focuses on fine arts. Your talents alone are what matter in this business, not where you went to school. Choose a minor that reflects your back-up plan. While singing, dancing, acting, and painting are inspirational and memorable careers, you need to choose something less competitive as a fallback, in case you find that breaking through is proving nearly impossible to do. Popular back-up plans for fine arts students are journalism, entrepreneurship, social studies, and education. If youre going to go to school, get your Bachelors degree. It shows initiative, and gives you more options after graduation. Many jobs require a Bachelors degree, but dont specify what field they should be attained in. You can use this to your advantage while waiting for your other career to take off.And, of course, a few tips for a fter graduation. Be prepared for a struggle. Its going to be difficult to make ends meet, at first. Stay with your parents for as long as possible, in order to save up money. Then, find a job in a related field and begin the process of being discovered. It might help to secure several roommates and find an apartment in the city. Dont give up on yourself. It only takes one other person to believe in you for your entire life to change overnight. Create an amazing resume. This is how potential employers are going to get to know you. And, as you already know, we can help you with that. deutsche bundespost online every chance you get. So many musicians and artists are breaking the mold this way, and you might find that you can use this less-traditional method to get your name out there.By being realistic, engaged, and prepared, youll find that studying the fine arts is simpler than you ever imagined. Good luck

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

If you have all 8 of these traits, you deserve a raise

If you have all 8 of these traits, you deserve a raiseIf you have all 8 of these traits, you deserve a raiseEverybody wants to know when they can expect their next raise.As a founder, its something I didnt fully realize until I was on the other end of the desk - deciding employee salaries instead of asking someone else to pay me mora. Raises are a key incentive, and certainly elend something you should ever get frustrated talking about with your employees. After all, if theyre notlage in it for the next raise, what are they in it for? To change the world?Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and morePlease. People want to be part of things they believe in, yes. But they also want to be able to provide for themselves too.The issue with raises is that its often the people who dont deserve them that ask the fruchtwein questions - while its the people who provide the most value that you almost cant help yourself from paying more. Theyre that good.Which are you?If you have these 8 traits, then chances are, your next raise is right around the corner1. You do what is needed before anyone asks you to do itNothing, and I seriously mean nothing, helps a startup or growing company more than employees that look for ways to help on their own - rather than waiting for someone to give them direction.If your To Do list is empty, and you take that as your cue to open Facebook, you arent worth a raise. You are doing the bare minimum. But if youre the type of person who finishes all their work, or maybe mucksmuschentotenstill has work to do but binnensees can opportunity to be more helpful, and you jump into action, then dont worry.Someone, somewhere in your company, is very, very aware of your efforts.You will be rewarded accordingly.2. You take it upon yourself to suggest positive changes to the companyFounders all have different preferences as to how they want their company run.But personally, I prefer being surrounded by people who bring suggestions to the table as to how we improve - not people who stand on the sidelines even if they have an idea.As an employee, you have to trust that since youre the one doing the work, you have a good perspective as to how things are getting done. Which means its your responsibility to take that knowledge and build on it.Any company that doesnt welcome that sort of conversation isnt worth working for in the first place.3. You dont clock out exactly at 500 p.m.Part of being on a team means owning your responsibilities. And if those responsibilities arent handled, and youre putting your coat on at 458 p.m. like its the end of a school day, dont expect a raise anytime soon.The best employees are the ones that know what needs to get done, and are willing to put in the time to get to the result. Its not about working 80 hours per week.Its about seeing things through to the end. And if that means working past 500 p.m., so be it. 4. You ask for feedback directlyYou cant learn if you dont ask questions. And you cant improve if you dont get feedback.Forget quarterly (or worse, yearly) employee reviews. Its certainly the responsibility of the founder and his or her organization to have check-ins and provide helpful feedback, but its also the responsibility of the employee to be vocal about what they still need help on.The people who take action to learn and improve are the ones who get rewarded most often.5. You bring positive - not passive-aggressive - energy to the tableGood luck getting a raise if youre the employee sending passive-aggressive emails.This is a huge issue for organizations that dont realize they cultivate an internal culture of competitiveness and poor showmanship. Part of being a great team member means being a force of positivity, and not someone who causes drama or starts issues - either with other team members or clients.If you always have a good attitude and dont let yourself get defea ted when things get tough, you will stand out.6. You let your actions speak for youTrust me when I say that founders and company managers are aware of how often you ask for a raise.Its not that asking for a raise is bad. If anything, its a conversation worth having - because you always want people to feel incentivized to do great work. An issue arises, however, when that employee spends more time asking for things instead of looking for ways to help out.Bring the conversation up once youve proven your value. Not before.7. You pay attention to where the company is struggling - and you design your own solutionEspecially when you work for a startup, its not hard to plattl up on what still needs fixing.Its a startup.Theres a lot to fix and improve - always.The best employees are the ones that take note of these internal pain points and then devise their own solutions. They look for ways to help the whole, which exponentially increases their own value.Any half-way intelligent founder will see these efforts and realize theyve got a crucial team member on board - and will find a way to reward them accordingly.8. You never the drop the ballThis is probably the most important one of all. Because unfortunately, one bad mistake can wipe out a whole list of jobs well done.Teams succeed when little wins are added up day by day. Part of being a solid team member and employee, then, is all about making koranvers you keep that pattern going. Think of it like playing Ping-pong with a friend, where you try to see how many volleys you can get in a row. As soon as you start getting worried about making a mistake, you usually drop the ball. But when youre in flow and just having fun, you could volley forever.As a mentor of mine, and fellow Inc columnist Ron Gibori, used to tell me all the time, Slow down to speed up.This article from Medium originally appeared on Inc. Magazine.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your so cial class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong peopleIf you have all 8 of these traits, you deserve a raiseEverybody wants to know when they can expect their next raise.As a founder, its something I didnt fully realize until I was on the other end of the desk - deciding employee salaries instead of asking someone else to pay me more. Raises are a key incentive, and certainly not something you should ever get frustrated talking about with your employees. After all, if theyre not in it for the next raise, what are they in it for? To change the world?Please. People want to be part of things they believe in, yes. But they also want to be able to provide for themselves too.The issue with raises is that its often the people who dont deserve them that ask the most questions - while its the people who provide the most value that you almost cant help yourself from paying more. Theyre that good.Which are you?If you have these 8 traits, then chances are, your next raise is right around the corner1. You do what is needed before anyone asks you to do it.Nothing, and I seriously mean nothing, helps a startup or growing company more than employees that look for ways to help on their own - rather than waiting for someone to give them direction.If your To Do list is empty, and you take that as your cue to open Facebook, you arent worth a raise. You are doing the bare minimum. But if youre the type of person who finishes all their work, or maybe still has work to do but sees can opportunity to be more helpful, and you jump into action, then dont worry.Someone, somewhere in your company, is very, very aware of your efforts.You will be rewarded accordingly.2. You take it upon yourself to suggest positive changes to the companyFounders all have different preferences as to how they want thei r company run.But personally, I prefer being surrounded by people who bring suggestions to the table as to how we improve - not people who stand on the sidelines even if they have an idea.As an employee, you have to trust that since youre the one doing the work, you have a good perspective as to how things are getting done. Which means its your responsibility to take that knowledge and build on it.Any company that doesnt welcome that sort of conversation isnt worth working for in the first place.3. You dont clock out exactly at 500 p.m.Part of being on a team means owning your responsibilities. And if those responsibilities arent handled, and youre putting your coat on at 458 p.m. like its the end of a school day, dont expect a raise anytime soon.The best employees are the ones that know what needs to get done, and are willing to put in the time to get to the result. Its not about working 80 hours per week.Its about seeing things through to the end. And if that means working past 5 00 p.m., so be it.4. You ask for feedback directlyYou cant learn if you dont ask questions. And you cant improve if you dont get feedback.Forget quarterly (or worse, yearly) employee reviews. Its certainly the responsibility of the founder and his or her organization to have check-ins and provide helpful feedback, but its also the responsibility of the employee to be vocal about what they still need help on.The people who take action to learn and improve are the ones who get rewarded most often.5. You bring positive - not passive-aggressive - energy to the tableGood luck getting a raise if youre the employee sending passive-aggressive emails.This is a huge issue for organizations that dont realize they cultivate an internal culture of competitiveness and poor showmanship. Part of being a great team member means being a force of positivity, and not someone who causes drama or starts issues - either with other team members or clients.If you always have a good attitude and dont let yourself get defeated when things get tough, you will stand out.6. You let your actions speak for youTrust me when I say that founders and company managers are aware of how often you ask for a raise.Its not that asking for a raise is bad. If anything, its a conversation worth having - because you always want people to feel incentivized to do great work. An issue arises, however, when that employee spends more time asking for things instead of looking for ways to help out.Bring the conversation up once youve proven your value. Not before.7. You pay attention to where the company is struggling - and you design your own solutionEspecially when you work for a startup, its not hard to pick up on what still needs fixing.Its a startup.Theres a lot to fix and improve - always.The best employees are the ones that take note of these internal pain points and then devise their own solutions. They look for ways to help the whole, which exponentially increases their own value.Any half-way inte lligent founder will see these efforts and realize theyve got a crucial team member on board - and will find a way to reward them accordingly.8. You never the drop the ballThis is probably the most important one of all. Because unfortunately, one bad mistake can wipe out a whole list of jobs well done.Teams succeed when little wins are added up day by day. Part of being a solid team member and employee, then, is all about making sure you keep that pattern going. Think of it like playing Ping-pong with a friend, where you try to see how many volleys you can get in a row. As soon as you start getting worried about making a mistake, you usually drop the ball. But when youre in flow and just having fun, you could volley forever.As a mentor of mine, and fellow Inc columnist Ron Gibori, used to tell me all the time, Slow down to speed up.This article from Medium originally appeared on Inc. Magazine.

Friday, December 13, 2019

How happy are people at work

How happy are people at workHow happy are people at workMost of us would like to be happier at work- to be able to say that the hours and effort that we dedicate to it truly contribute to how happy we are in life.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreHow do we get there? Like happiness overall, happiness at work does not mean trying to be cheerful and enthusiastic all the time. According to research, workplace happiness is much deeper. In the Greater Good Science Centers series of courses on the Science of Happiness at Work, we offer an organizing framework- called PERK- that distills happiness at work into key constructs that can be strengthenedPurpose Feeling that your work aligns with core values and meaningfully contributes to something beyond yourself.Engagement Feeling curious, interested, and inspired experiencing flow and being dedicated to making progress at work.Resilience B eing able to handle setbacks and difficulties in ways that foster learning and growth at work.Kindness A trusting, friendly, and genuinely supportive social climate at work.Our happiness at work quiz is based on the PERK framework, and we have analyzed data from just under 6,000 of the first respondents who took it. Peoples average happiness at work is an underwhelming 72 out of 100 (which is worse than it sounds, considering that the lowest possible score is 20). The findings offer not just a snapshot of workplace well-being among our international quiz-takers, but also some promising opportunities for increasing happiness at work.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Insider Secret on Genius Jobs Exposed

The Insider Secret on Genius Jobs Exposed Jobs ingenious products (such as the iMac), effective branding campaigns and fashionable designs caught the interest of consumers once more. In the realm of Apple, its about the customer so customer service skills are completely mandatory. Obviously, any non-standard adjustments to ARM would need a new optimized compiler. To make certain their bosses and clients are happy, the last product they create needs to coincide with the blueprints and plans. What Is So Fascinating About Genius Jobs? You merely need to be 14 or older to establish a profile and connect with families in your town. This website also has a good referral program. There are in fact a great deal of approaches to get paid through your preferred social networking site. Thanks for setting a terrific example. Smaller energy suppliers can provide competitive prices and focused customer support. Tons of ninnies may give customers products they want. You will likewise be able to draw on the extensive selection of learning and development opportunities supplied by our National Learning Centre. Theres a rapidly rising number of domestic energy suppliers in the United Kingdom. Transforming how you pay also features an effect on how much you are able to save on our energy price comparison website. In the long-term, you wind up saving more money but in addition risk overpaying whether there is a price decrease in the power costs of your supplier. Proceed to our energy bill comparison website and decide on the kind of energy tariff which you have. You should compare your energy bill at least one time every year. Make certain you do this only after your final energy bill was paid. Type of Genius Jobs To be certain, its definitely risky to make an enemy, especially in the event that you select an enemy thats large and powerful. An objective of every teach must be to create lifelong learners. It is an excellent skill to learn for anyone thats hand y with tools. OpenGenius is an extremely profitable business thats rapidly expanding. If you are searching for employment which combines both, together with a stimulating work environment and fantastic career opportunities, look no more. If you are searching for a rewarding career opportunity with a developing company that respects their employees, then you need to consider working with us. The ecosystem in Silicon Valley includes some essential aspects like a pool of money thats prepared to take risks, a culture that welcomes failure, little bureaucracy that frequently stifles business creation, all which attracts entrepreneurs and innovators from all around the world along with top universities. Definitions of Genius Jobs Because the men and women that are crazy enough to think they can alter the world are the individuals who do. Theres loads of work for handy men and women. When the fun problems are solved, they frequently quit. Unfortunately, that day has arrived. You, on the flip side, probably would just like to cut it down, which is just the type of destructive human impulse geniuses like to compose heavy-handed science fiction stories about. They were true artists, he stated, and ought to act that manner. You were among the initial folks to inform friends and family about the developing jazz scene in britain, and youre able to anthroponym three of the most popular new stars of the Bay Area hip-hop scene without blinking. Somebody with very very good taste. Although a great deal of folks put Jobs on a pedestal as though he were the sole father of contemporary technology, he managed to work with an amazingly talented team. In truth, it was the opposite. Those, undoubtedly, will come also. The issue is that we dont understand how to employ geniuses. Genius Jobs - the Story Transcription is just one of, if not the main portion of Genius. Probably since its hard work. After all, this isnt a simple decision. It takes quite a bit of hard wo rk, he explained, to earn something simple, to really understand the underlying challenges and produce elegant solutions. There are two large modifications to pick apart. Provided that youve got education, interest, and a fair quantity of talent, therell be some component of mathematics where youre able to earn a solid and useful contribution. Simplifying the complex isnt simple.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

The Most Incredibly Overlooked Answer for Resume Writing Services Cost

The Most Incredibly Overlooked Answer for Resume Writing Services Cost Inside my experience developing a job winning resume, is not something which can be rushed, or churned out in a rush. When you would like to find the best resume help, its possible to simply follow ur lead. You need assistance with making a resume. If you want my help with your resume, just request a quote here. Choosing Resume Writing Services Cost When it has to do with job seekers, you need to prove your worth to the corporation. If you would rather supply the information via telephone or skype, I want to know and we can arrange a time to speak. Learn all you need to understand about getting the job that you desire. Luckily, there are methods to create terrific resumes capable of catching the eyes of prospective recruiters regardless of what venue youre working with. The Resume Writing Services Cost Game Obviously, more experience doesnt necessarily translate into better quality. Always ask to obse rve a resume sample if you cant locate them on the site. A good deal of inexpensive services on the internet also outsource their work to inexperienced or very low excellent writers. You may review services on our site at Great Resumes Fast. What Everybody Dislikes About Resume Writing Services Cost and Why Writing a resume may be an exciting process if you remember your hard work can lead to an outstanding job. Or, in the event that you left a job to look after a loved one or to relocate, a very brief explanation will suffice. Editing the resume will usually incorporate the fundamental editing techniques in addition to the polishing or changing some wording if needed. Resume writing isnt as simple as it sounds. Using Resume Writing Services Cost Resume writing is a rather personalized experience, particularly for executives. Executive resume writing certifications arent inexpensive. Since the expert copywriting companies utilize collective talent of a range of experience d writers, theyll be more reliable and will offer much superior solutions for the employer. Anticipating the unknown when writing resumes can look like a struggle. The Fundamentals of Resume Writing Services Cost Revealed Writing a cover letter can on occasion be somewhat confusing. Regardless of what resume service you choose, understand that higher resume writing fees dont always translate into a greater quality writer. Your work is to present the ordinary stuff that happens to you in a manner that will produce the reader want to understand you better. Once your resume is finished, Ill send you a totally free in-depth study on the best regions to send your resume to find the interviews you desire. It is a fact that there isnt always a correlation between what you pay for some things and the standard of the item or service you get, however, in the instance of $49 resume services youre likely to be quite disappointed, and youre going to get just what you paid for. You must be aware that the quantity of money you invest into resume writing services will often reflect the amount of service and the grade of the that you will get. Its important to employ a service which offers you a fine price for top quality. Together with looking at the cost alone, its also wise to compare prospective services and have a look at other specific on-line reviews to provide you with a clearer idea of which one could be the ideal selection for your unique circumstance. Test Out or Cement Career Options Whether youre seeking to acquire your very first job in the area you aspire to work in, or youre simply seeking your very first field, taking on a temp job can help you reach your objective. An internship may be a great preparatory experience for your career. It is essential that a fresher be in a position to come up with an attractive Resume for freshers with the support of career counselors who might give the compulsory career guidance to help candidates secure jobs.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Graphic Designer Job Description Sample

Graphic Designer Job Description SampleGraphic Designer Job Description SampleGraphic Designer Job Description SampleThisgraphic konzeptersample job description can assist in your creating a job application that will attract job candidates who are qualified for the job. Feel free to revise this job description to meet your specific job duties and job requirements.Graphic Designer Job ResponsibilitiesPrepares visual presentations by designing art and copy layouts.Graphic Designer Job DutiesPrepares work to be accomplished by gathering information and materials.Plans concept by studying information and materials.Illustrates concept by designing rough layout of art and copy regarding arrangement, size, type size and style, and related aesthetic concepts.Obtains approval of concept by submitting rough layout for approval.Prepares finished copy and art by operating typesetting, printing, and similar equipment purchasing from vendors.Prepares final layout by marking and pasting up finished copy and art.Ensures operation of equipment by completing preventive maintenance requirements following manufacturers instructions troubleshooting malfunctions calling for repairs maintaining equipment inventories evaluating new equipment.Completes projects by coordinating with outside agencies, art services, printers, etc.Maintains technical knowledge by attending design workshops reviewing professional publications participating in professional societies.Contributes to team effort by accomplishing related results as needed.Graphic Designer Skills and QualificationsGraphic Design Skills, Layout Skills, Creative Services, Customer Focus, Creativity, Flexibility, Attention to Detail, Deadline-Oriented, Desktop Publishing Tools, Acute Vision, Handles RejectionLearn more How to interview Graphic DesignerEmployers Post a job in minutes to reach candidates everywhere. Job Seekers Search Graphic Designer Jobs and apply on now. Learn more about how to write a job descriptionHow to Write a Job Description Resource PageHR Salary Information Employee CompensationBenchmarking 101 How to Pay New Hires

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Learning to Acknowledge and Understand Other Cultures by Recognizing Your Own

Learning to Acknowledge and Understand Other Cultures by Recognizing Yur Own Learning to Acknowledge and Understand Other Cultures by Recognizing Your Own Awareness of our own culture is important, because it can keep us from projecting our values onto others. Projection, in this sense, means the tendency to think other people are doing something for the same reasons we would. This can happen when we are unaware of the values that drive us and unable to distinguish them from those held by other cultures.We see the world through a distorting screen created by our deeply held often subconscious values and beliefs. This reality can lead to an unintentional blindness and potential insensitivity to the values important to members of other cultures.For example, mainstream American culture respects direct eye contact. Those born and raised in this culture assume people who do not look us in the eye are dishonest, weak, and/or evasive. By contrast, most Asian cultures teach that avoiding eye contact is respectful and considerate. This means an American employer is apt to interpret an Asian-born applicants lowered eyes as a sign of dishonesty, when he or she is simply showing respect for the interviewer.The first step toward solving this problem is clear learn as much about other cultures as you can. The second step is also clear, but frequently overlooked understand your own assumptions about body language, communication style, or other cultural characteristics that impact your impressions of the outside world. This may seem easy, but it is not. Our own culture is such a part of us that we are typically unaware of its existence and implicitly expect the world around us to reflect our culture back at us. Some of us go so far as to think of our own culture as menschengerecht nature and, to make matters worse, as one to which all should conform.So if knowing ones own culture is not automatic, how can we achieve this knowledge? The answer lies in exposure and observati on. First, be around other cultures. The next step is impossible without the opportunity to interact with those who are different from you. Second, when around people from different cultures, watch for three things moments of tension, misunderstanding, and points of conflict.When one of these happens, dont panic. Observe yourself and your culture. What did you do just before the tension, misunderstanding, or upset feelings arose? That act is part of your culture and was probably a factor in the moments dynamic. What you did was not necessarily wrong, but be aware it grew out of your culturally conditioned values and behaviors. Also, ask yourself What assumption was I making about the situation before the negativity started? Those assumptions, like your behavior, grew out of your culture. Examining them will help awaken the cultural self-awareness that is so important in making cross-cultural relationships work. Yes, knowledge of other cultures is important, but looking at ourselves can teach us as much about cross-cultural understanding as exposing ourselves to a variety of different cultural experiences.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Customize this Outstanding Experienced Dental Hygienists Resume Template

Customize this Outstanding Experienced Dental Hygienists Resume TemplateCustomize this Outstanding Experienced Dental Hygienists Resume TemplateCreate ResumeElise Mathis100 Main Street, Cityplace, CA, 91019Home(555) 322-7337Cell (555) 322-7337example-emailexample.comProfessional SummaryEnergetic and empathetic dental hygienist with 28 years of experience. Focused on providing exceptional patient care and education. Working closely with people to provide them a service to improve their health is a privilege I am honored to have.While constantly moving forward in an ever changing field I am always conscience to embrace change. Technology has been giving us tools to enhance our patient care and I enjoy keeping up with those.LicensesCertificate in Dental sauberkeit and Professional Dental Hygiene License issued 1985.Skill HighlightsTraditional hygiene skills includingcoronal scale and polishperiodontal scaling and rootplaninguse ultrasonicdigital x-rays and traditional radiographspatient educationanesthesiainfection controlTeam Work experienced and supportive in all aspects of the dental officeEaglesoft software extensive experienceDentrix software experienceSchick software digital xraysDexis software digital xraysClinview software digital xraysscheduling on computerperiochartring on computerProfessional ExperienceWilliam Kenner DDS Burien, Wa dental hygienist 04/2001 to 09/2005.Displayed professional and proficient skills in patient management and clinical duties in all aspects of a dental hygiene positionEdward L Bruce DDS Normandy Park, wa dental hygienist 01/2006 to CurrentDisplayed professional and proficient skills in patient management and clinical duties in all aspects of a dental hygiene positionDr RL VanDerschelden Normandy Park, Wa dental assisant, front office, sterilization and custodial duties, insurance administrator 04/1977 to 03/2001Everything Started working for my father at age 14. Completed any duty he required. Front office and insurance s ubmitting was before computers however this experience gave me an understanding of the complete dental business which I have been able to draw from my entire career.Tooth Fairies Two various, Wa Community dental health provider 09/2002 to CurrentWorking as a visiting hygienist to elementary schools to provide education, Oral Hygiene instruction, fluoride treatments, and placing sealants.Education and TrainingAssociate of Science prerequisites for dental hygiene 1983 Highline Community College, DesMoines, WA, USACertificate of Dental Hygiene and Professional licence in dental hygiene dental hygiene 1985 Yakima Valley CC, Yakima, WA, USASelect One WA2010-2012 Member Emerald City Dental Hygiene Study Club presented by Dr. Eric Brockman . This is the one and only dental hygiene study club in the Greater Seattle area. It provided us with 3 years of great information KUDOs for Dr. Brockman.Customize ResumeMore Dental Resume TemplatesEntry Level Dental Hygienists Resume Templates